Northwest Washington Indian Health Board

Native Liaison Program

Monica Revey, Native Liaison
Northwest Washington Indian
Health Board
Native Liaison program launching: Help us welcome new team member
The Northwest Washington Indian Health Board (NWWIHB) and PeaceHealth are pleased to share the launch of a new collaboration – the Native Liaison program. New employee of NWWIHB, Monica Revey has joined the team as our Native Liaison. The cooperative services agreement between NWWIHB and PeaceHealth is focused on supporting the experience of care for Natives accessing PeaceHealth services.
The Native Liaison will serve patients and families as a critical link between PeaceHealth Northwest hospitals and clinics and Tribal primary care clinics as well as other community-based services
As our first Native Liaison, Monica Revey will:
Work closely with PeaceHealth caregivers to assure a compassionate experience of care for Tribal community members. A key focus is on fostering trusting relationships and respectful care interactions.
Be a strong patient, family and community advocate especially for vulnerable elders and patients with disabilities.
Serve as a resource for team members working together improve health outcomes including reducing re-admission, reduction in preventative emergency care, and improved understanding of the importance of treatment and discharge plans.
Monica Revey is a Lummi Tribal member and dedicated family woman. She is excited to be joining the PeaceHealth Care Management team. Monica brings her compassion to helping her own people. She has experience working as case manager in the legal system as well as social services and believes in hard work, sacrifice and teamwork. She will be supported by the existing care management team and will build relationships with all PeaceHealth providers with the goal of improving the experience of care for Native patients. Monica can be reached at Monicar@indianhealthboard.org and works Mondays through Thursdays.
Please join us in welcoming Monica into this new community role. If you have questions, please reach out to any one of us.
Barbara Juarez, Executive Director, Northwest Washington Indian Health Board, Barbara@indianhealthboard.org
Rachel Lucy, Community Health Director, PeaceHealth Northwest Network, Rlucy@peacehealth.org
Jennifer Geracie, Social Work Manager, PeaceHealth Care Management, Jgeracie@peacehealth.org

Northwest Washington Indian Health Board