Northwest Washington Indian Health Board

Environmental Health
Under the direction of the Northwest Washington Indian Health Board (NWWIHB), we serve 4 federally recognized tribes: Lummi, Nooksack, Swinomish, and Upper Skagit as well as their community members.
The following are Services Provided by the Environmental Health Specialist:
• Environmental Health & Protection: As a consultant, conduct routine monitoring and
surveillance of environmental conditions to provide feedback on environmental hazards and
Impacts on human health. Which include: Built environments (homes, buildings, etc.), Drinking
water, septic systems, hazardous chemicals/radiation, agriculture practices, community noise.
• Occupational Health and safety: Monitors Adherence to health and safety requirements in
daycares, food service facilities, multi-occupancy facilities and health clinics through plan
review, site assessment.
• Communicable Disease Investigation: Investigate disease outbreaks in tribal reservations that
include all community members and employees.
• Food Safety: Inspect food facilities to assure they are operating in a sanitized and safe
environment. If needed investigate foodborne illness outbreaks.
• Injury Prevention: Provide feedback on safety measures to take at tribal owned and operated
facilities and workplaces. That way prevention of future injuries does not happen.
• Emergency Preparedness: Advise on tribal emergency management plans for the present and
• Provides Training and certifications: Food handlers permit, bloodborne pathogens, seatbelt safety and inspections.

Northwest Washington Indian Health Board